American Originals Fife & Drum Corps
Established in 1991
The American Originals Fife & Drum Corps is an ensemble of fifers, snare drummers, and bass drummers, accompanied by a flag- and rifle-bearing Honor Guard. We offer an extensive repertoire of American music, spanning the times from the American Revolution, through the Civil War, and into the sounds of the 21st century.
For more than 30 years we have performed all over the globe, entertaining audiences with our musical expertise and precision footwork.
Fife & Drum Corps
All-volunteer members of the American Originals are inspired by pride to execute a difficult musical and marching program.
To preserve the sounds of our historical past while incorporating military precision, techniques and execution in order to provide a well-rounded presentation of musical excellence.
To perform for events that stimulate the spirit in our country.
To demonstrate, in a team environment, the hard work and discipline required to execute a difficult musical repertoire that distinguishes the group's fifing and drumming as an exceptional art form.
To represent the United States in international events that bring citizens from around the world together.
To exhibit pride for our American heritage.
Woodbridge High School Band Tournament Woodbridge, VA

50th Anniversary Tattoo of the Old Guard
Fife & Drum Corps

Apple Blossom Parade
Winchester, VA

Government Center in Main-Taunus Kreis, Germany
The American Originals Fife & Drum Corps is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group. We appreciate the support of these two organizations that help us to continue performing.